The drawing is just not there
Coleen Ahern, Mitch Cairns, Trevelyan Clay, Miles Davis, Wendy Dawson, Martin George, Spencer Lai, Marlee McMahon, , Gervaise Netherway, Conor O’Shea, Tinieka Page, Casey Jeffrey, Anabel Robinson, Nick Ryrie, Rebecca Scibilia, Kate Smith, Victoria Stolz, Philip Truett, VERNER with Gian Manik, and more.
4 May - 16 June
Opening Thursday 3rd May, 6-8pm
West Space
Conor O'Shea
The drawing is just not there is a group show featuring a multi-generational of local practitioners who engage with image-making - as material, abstraction and non-narratives, gesture, sculpture, collage and lacking authorship / the artist’s hand. Curated by West Space Director Patrice Sharkey, in collaboration with creative facilitative assistant Christopher L.G. Hill, the project is conceived as a conversational exploration of the possibilities within and beyond the boundaries of painting as an approach to practice. Presented are works that no longer look like a painting, are more materially focussed, and other works that borrow painting’s form.
The exhibition will be supported by a number of public programs that consider current attitudes towards painting as a contemporary practice, medium specificity and related politics of exhibition making.
The drawing is just not there is presented in partnership with Arts Projects Australia.