You can't steal a gift; Christopher L G Hill + more. The more including my extended praxis, in this instance being: James Deutsher, Evergreen Terrace, Liv Barrett, Matt Hinkley, Annie Wu, Nathan Gray, Joshua Petherick, Nick Selenitsch, Alex Vivian and indeed more. Practice has a distinct purpose in the semantics of its wordlyness. I beleve in purpose, but not neciserily with ends. Things that blow around intoxicatingly caressing the heart. Bits and bobs, ascociate to no end, there is always more, more posibility, more to consume. Why limit these confines to ownership, and petty squable. more respect, more (E)quality now! (A)rise land of the (A)ucks the time has come, and gone and comes again endlessly. Quit fantasising, live a life thats full of fantasy and open reality. Or don't, ill still respect your choice to choose choise. October9 (openning this night) - November 1st at Gambia Castle.