H.B. Peace Collab/Reading room reading



A new collection by

H.B. Peace

The statement is pointless
The finger is speechless



SLOPES + Centre for Style
9 Smith st Fitzroy

7pm sharp / 31.07.14

Label and 5x Scarf poem collaboration with me

Also afterwards at 9pm I will be doing a reading,
at Gertrude Contemporary (200 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy)as part of:

Organised by 3:PLY with readings by Elizabeth Newman, Nicholas Tammens, Fayen D'Evie and Christopher L G Hill

which is hosted by:


Saskia Scut and Scott Mitchell

The Reading Room will promote Melbourne’s independent arts publishers and play host to a series of events by various collaborators. Saskia Schut and Scott Mitchell have organised readings by artists, writers, designers, and publishers. The front gallery will subtly respond to the tenor of the texts through alternation of the atmosphere, lighting, time of day, or refreshments. Readings will be recorded and played continuously in the space and will also be archived on the Gertrude Contemporary website.

Sub Rosa A col­lec­tion of poems & draw­ings Edited by Anne Fellner

Sub Rosa is based on the con­cept of an auto­graph book or the more pop­u­lar Ger­man “Poe­sieal­bum”, a small book or loosely bound col­lec­tion of pages for col­lect­ing sen­ti­men­tal memen­tos such as poems, sketches, quotes or sim­ply auto­graphs from friends, fam­ily mem­bers and col­leagues. Sub Rosa is free to down­load from this web­site. A sim­ple pass­word is required to view the book. The pass­word is “Rose”.
Featuring works by

Alex Tur­geon, Alex Vivian, Alina Gre­go­rian, Alli­son Katz, Annie Pearl­man, Antoine Renard, Armen Eloyan,
Aude Pariset, Bunny Rogers, Burkhard Beschow, Célestin Krier, Chris­t­ian Oldham, Christo­pher LG Hill,
Clé­mence de La Tour du Pin, Clemens Rei­necke, Cosima zu Knyphausen, David Rap­pe­neau, Edward Mar­shall Shenk, 
Emma Tal­bot, Erik Stin­son, Felix Amer­bacher, Flo­rent Dubois, Hanna Hur, Harry Burke, Honza Zamo­jski, Inga Ker­ber,
Inger Wold Lund, J. Gor­don Faylor, Jaakko Pal­lasvuo, Jen­nifer Chan, John Henry Newton, Jor­dan Kasey, Joshua Abe­low,
Joyce Depue, Karolina A., Kather­ine Botten, Kather­ine Poe, Keith J. Varadi, Kristina Lee, Lau­ren Cook, Leslie Weibeler,
Lina Leang Chung, Luis Vas­sallo, Johannes Kauf­mann +Manuel Stehli, Marisa Takal, Mary Wich­mann, Max­i­m­il­ian Roganov,
Michael O’Mahony, Nicholas Ver­straeten, Nick Payne, Odayaka, Olivia Dun­bar, Pia Christ­mann, Sanya Kan­tarovsky,
Sigtryg­gur Berg Sigmarsson, Stephen Booth, Tom Fell­ner, Vin­cent de Hoÿm and Vit­to­rio Brodman.