10-11 May 2013
Studio 6, Gertrude Contemporary
Participating artists (in order of documentation):
Elizabeth Newman, Virginia Overell, Christopher LG Hill, Masato Takasaka, Dan Bell, Jackson Slattery, Clementine Edwards, Simon Zoric, Oliver van der Lugt, Holly Childs, Hanna Tai, Elena Betros, Margaret Goninon, Trevelyan Clay, Ry Haskings, Sanne Mestrom, Sanja Pahoki, Chloe Stevens, Nathan Gray, Eliza Dyball, Lydia Wegner, Giles Fielke, Ash Kilmartin, Christo Crocker, Matthew Linde, Adelle Mills, Kate Meakin, Luke Sands, Joshua Petherick, Brennan Olver, Greatest Hits, Eric Demetriou, Jaya Fausch, Matt Hinkley, Alex Vivian, Luke Holland, Harriet Morgan, Antuong Nguyen, James Barnett, Charles Green, Kieren Seymour, Patrick Pound, Sean Bailey, Rare Candy, Hugh Westland, Nick Selenitsch, Chris Sciuto, Andrew Truong, Annie Wu, Liang Luscombe
Install shots by David Homewood and Lydia Wegner
Short description I wrote for the Gertrude mail-out:
Each artist featured in this exhibition has nominated an object, a surface, and a light source. Together,
these three elements constitute a setup. Each setup has been photographically documented by the
curator from the same aerial vantage, using default camera settings. The exhibition will consist of
photographs of the setups accompanied by a list of the contributing artists, the specific elements of
their setup, and the date, time, and location of its documentation.